Subject: Santa Gift List Author: Michael Greene Uploaded By: MikGreene Date: 12/9/1993 File: SANTA.ZIP (10271 bytes) Estimated Download Time (51210 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 346 Equipment: Windows 3.1+ or Macintosh Needs: Unzipping Program, Excel Librarian's Note: The Excel file will open in Excel 2000, the Word .DOC in the archive will only open in Word 2000 as a text file with macros disabled, if you get a macro message. ========================== Given a list of people, randomly assigns members of the list to each other for a Christmas Gift. Main advantage over "names-in-a-hat" method is it maintains a list for those of us who forget whom we were assigned. Originally written to assign uncles, aunts and cousins to each other. Can be used for company use to handle routine Christmas gift lotteries. The macro can either assign gift giving across department boundaries or ignore department lines altogether. If you use it, email me a fruitcake! ============== File Scanned with McAfee Virus Scan 3.1.6 Dat file date 10/25/99